Wednesday, May 27, 2009

QATCMA 2009 Global TCM Symposium – Vancouver 谷世喆教授2009國際中醫研討會 - 溫哥華

QATCMA 2009 Global TCM Symposium – Vancouver
谷世喆教授2009國際中醫研討會 - 溫哥華
June 21st, Sunday, 2009 at Langara College, Vancouver

Date/Time 日期/時間:
10:00am – 5:30pm, June 21, 2009 (Sunday)

CE Credit 再教育學分:
6 credit hours, 6小時

Fee 收費(Lunch included包括午餐):
Member會員: $120 Non-Member非會員: $200

Address 地點:
Room A122a, Langara College, 100 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC

Topics 主題:
1. Bian-Stone Therapy and Clinical Treatment 砭石疗法及其临床应用
2. Acupuncture Clinical Treatment and Experience 针灸临床治疗经验介绍

Mandarin, English Translation中文演讲,英文翻译

Speaker invited from China應邀專程從中國的著名專家:
In the past 40 years Professor Shi Zhe Gu has devoted his time to teaching, clinic work and scientific research. He was appointed to the position as head of department of acupuncture and massage at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. He is now the professor of the School of Acupuncture in the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, tutor of Ph.D. students and Chief physician. Professor Gu is the trustee of Chinese Acupuncture Academic society, and a board member of the specialized committee of channels and collaterals. He is a member of the Academic Committee of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, and the vice-group leader of the Preparatory Committee for the Stone needle Branch of Chinese Acupuncture Academic society. He is a trustee of Beijing Association of Chinese Medicine Research and Development, and the president of the acupuncture branch association. He is the academic consultant of Chinese

Medical Association of Singapore and the honorary professor of London College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in UK. Professor Gu was the vice Director-General of Acupuncture Educational Society of the original National Chinese Medicine colleges and universities Union. In recent years he participated in excavating and popularizing the stone needle therapy actively, and is the vice-chairman of the stone needle branch of Chinese Acupuncture Academic society. He has also been to the US, Japan, South Korea, Denmark, Spain, Sweden, Britain, Brazil and Argentina to give lectures and carry out the academic exchanges.
谷世喆,北京中医药大学针灸学院教授,博士导师,主任医师,国家级带徒名中医。中国针灸学会理事,刮痧与砭石学会副会长。前北京中医药大学针灸学院院长。1944年出生于中国河北省,其父谷济生师从京城名医施今墨,是中国首批师带徒名老中医。1962年就读于北京中医学院中医系,1989至今年担任北京中医药大学针灸推拿系讲师, 副教授, 教授,硕士导师和博士导师。谷讲授曾多次到美国 日本,韩国,新加坡,瑞典,英国,巴西,阿根廷 西班牙等国家讲学和学术交流。获第二届拉丁美洲针灸大会特奖;新加坡中华医学会学术顾问;英国伦敦中医学院名誉教授。谷教授主讲《针灸学》《经络学》对经典理论有深刻认识,认为根结标本气街理论是经络学说重要内容,是经络在体内纵向和横向的联系,是特定穴产生的理论基础。相关论文多次在核心刊物发表在日本新加坡等国家译载。主编5部学术专著。谷教授41年来十分重视针灸和中药相结合,重视心理疏导和针灸治疗相结合。善长针灸中药治疗内科妇科五官科疾病。对疼痛症,精神情志病男妇疑难病有良好疗效。

1.Bian-Stone Therapy and Clinical Treatment 砭石疗法及其临床应用
- New Bian-Stone Therapy现代新砭石疗法
- Clinical Treatment and Experience of Diseases including Cervical Spondylopathy, Periathritis of Shoulder, Cholecystitis and Dysmenorrhea, etc.
- Function and Theory of Bian –Stone Therapy 砭石疗法作用机理
- Bian-Stone Treatment of Diseases and Cases Study亲验砭石治疗顽疾及病例

2.Acupuncture Clinical Treatment and Experience 针灸临床治疗经验介绍
- Acupuncture of Cervical Spondylopathy and Lumbago
- Hysteresis Needle Treatment of Joint Pain滞针法治疗老年性退行性膝关节痛
- Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Treatment of Depression

Registration/Payment 報名登記/付款:
For registration, please fill in the attached “QATCMA 2009 Global TCM Symposium – Vancouver Registration Form” together with your cheque, cheque payable to the order of QATCMA and mail to QATCMA at #300 – 5900 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC V6X 3P7 by June 12(Friday), 2009. For more information, please contact QATCMA office at Tel: 604-278-6220, Fax: 604-278-1312, Email: For non-member, please contact with our office for the registration form.
請填寫後附< 谷世喆教授2009國際中醫研討會 - 溫哥華報名登記表>﹐及付款支票於6月12日(星期五)前郵寄QATCMA辦公室, 地址: #300 – 5900 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC V6X 3P7。有關詳情﹐請與辦公室聯絡﹐電話: 604-278-6220﹐傳真: 604-278-1312﹐電子箱非會員請聯絡QATCMA辦公室﹐索取登記表。

Registration Form 報名登記表

Member:  Yes 是   No 否 If Yes: QATCMA Membership # :____________
是否本會會員 如果是﹐QATCMA會員號

Name 姓名: _____________________________

Address 地址: ____________________________________________________________

City: __________________ Prov.: ________ Postal Code: ___________

Telephone No. 電話: ___________________(Business) ________________(Home/Cell)

Email Address: _______________________________________________________

Together with the cheque made payable to QATCMA in the sum of ______________

後附支票金額: ______________

Fee 收費: Member會員 Non-Member非會員
June 21 (6 hrs courses)
6月21日(6小時課程) $120 $200

Please mail this registration form together with your cheque to QATCMA office by June 12, 2009. 請將此登記表連同付款支票於6月12日前郵寄QATCMA辦公室。

Address 地址: #300 – 5900 No. 3 Road, Richmond, VBC V6X 3P7, Tel.電話: 604-278-6220,
Fax 傳真: 604-278-1312, Email電子郵件:

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